

As partners in education, we welcome and encourage parent participation and invite you to contact the school, PFA, or School Board to find out how you can get involved at Asheville Catholic School.
Parent volunteers are a welcome and integral part of a child’s scholastic and social development.  There are many activities in which parent volunteers may participate, such as serving as a room parent, helping to serve lunch, helping with a class project or party, coaching an athletic team, and driving for a field trip, just to name a few of the many, many opportunities to make a contribution of your time and talents.

The Diocese of Charlotte has set forth requirements for volunteers who work regularly with children or periodically with individual children or small groups of children. These have been put in place to reduce the risk of harm to our most precious gift, our children. These requirements must be fulfilled before you can perform volunteer activities such as chaperoning or driving for a field trip, coaching a sport, assisting with an extra-curricular club, or helping in classes, to name a few. This information is not needed in order to visit for a special event such as a performance in the class or school. All volunteers are required to complete the following:

The Diocese of Charlotte uses Catholic Mutual Group to help us process all volunteers. You will need to do the following:
  • Go to to create a Volunteer Profile
  • Complete the SAFE Training Course
  • Complete background check through CMGConnect
  • Acknowledgement of reading the Diocesan Sexual Misconduct Policy and Code of Ethics Policy
Asheville Catholic School is grateful to the many volunteers who take the time to complete these important requirements.
Asheville Catholic School's mission is to inspire our students to change the world as Christian leaders.  With this end in mind, we accept all who are open to learning about how God guides us, through the teachings of Christ, to love Him above all, and love others as ourselves.  As part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte, we welcome all with open arms.